

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Internet is been so bonkers.One minute it's fine,(and really fast) but next is gone.Its like when someone gives you your favourite candy and in the midst of enjoying the rich of strawberry flavour,that person snatches it back before you even get to the bubble gum in the centre.

Anyway,the thing is,I get demotivated really easily. For example, I am supposed to complete an outline for my expository writing subject. Because to do the simple outline is so hard for me, I tend procrastinate the job  and instead of opening microsoft word on the computer,I quickly open my blogger webpage.


My Mak always says that I am  a kind of person who always "melepaskan batuk di tangga". Though the truth is hard to accept,but yes Mak,you are right.


Plus,I also need to do some poetry reading. Have I told you that I super-like my Poetry lecturer,Mizz TJ. T for Tanja.She's really professional (in terms of teaching) and yes,very pretty(cus she's half blood of Germany) I always wander in the class if she is a he,he will turn out to be the most handsomest lecturer in IIUM!

Apart from TJ, I like Dr.Maimunah as well though I freaking hate the subject that she's teaching me as well. Linguistics. Linguistics. Linguistics.


Besides,Mr.Mazlan also brings us joy and more on terror when it comes to his classes every week. One of his famous quotes " Lets do some thinking shall we?" or " I swear to God,you will cry,YOU WILL CRY"
Anywho,the subject is tough and lets pray the best so that I can passed the paper even got a B in it :p


Dr Nurbani meanwhile is teaching Revelation as a Source of Knowledge(RASOK).She's super sarcastic plus quite a rock-and-roll typo of person.I heard rumours that she's been marrying to a mat saleh hence that's why she is some kind of what should I call as, oh,a cool person.

Mr Riaz on the other hand teaches us Political Science subject. He's superfine of course,but a few of our classmates are pretty annoying on their own which make me,or my friends are annoyed in the class. There is this particularly 1 classmate who always asks to many,excessive amount of questions and I honestly,feel like throwing my toilet slippers to make her mouth shut.


Lastly,Ghada Salim teaches us Fardhu Ain class.She's from Saudi Arabia and of course,her English accent is quite funny causing myself to roll on the floor laughing. HAHA. But,the thing that I like about Fardhu Ain class is that,it teaches me on how to be more careful when it comes to our ibadah.It teaches us again,on how to perform wudu',solat yada-yada in proper way.I guess I don't feel regret for not getting into Halaqah section as I really like Fardhu Ain class.

The reason why I'm writing this is because I'm out of idea in doing my writing assignment.Gonna have a fresh start and start doing my stuff all over again.

p.s: I want to fly to India, buy lots of saree and live with them.

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