
iPad mania

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

*inspired by Mr.Mazlan*

iPad is a great piece of machinery from Apple.Its been widely used in many sectors of entertainment, business, household and etc.Based on my reading, iPad apps are commonly used for business people to increase their productivity while on the go.For artists and designers to lug aroud their portfolios. and, for students in 4 schools in Singapore,they use iPad as their reference when studying.

Yes ladies and gentlemen.Productivity,Portfolio and REFERENCE. Say bye bye to heavy textbooks and hi to iPad.


1."Teacher,I forgot to bring my book because I have to carry lots of book today"
2."Mommy,I have a terrible backache because I have to carry this heavy school bag with books in it."
3."Ahhh,I forgot to check on the internet that the teacher asked us to present today"

Please don't fret.Grab your coffee,sit back and keep reading.


Presenting to you,students-iPad

Special features for students:

1.They can take notes via iPad-use worksheets,no need to buy note books anymore.
2.They can use iPad as reference-just google it via one touch.
3.Can download books and course material by themselves.
4.No need to carry satchels full of bulging text books-because iPad is so light and easy to carry.


p.s : I wish iPad exist during my school life years.


*iPad joke*

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