Perth Part 3: Bella's 2nd birthday

Monday, December 24, 2012

We didn't know that by the time we arrived in Perth, it is Bella's 2nd birthday which falls on 12th November.
Bella is my cousin.

First of all, meet Isabella or known as Bella:

Bella owns a parentage of a Malaysian and and Indonesian but holds an Australian citizenship. Pretty odd eh?

So these are some pictures taken during Bella's 2nd birthday:

 We had a barbecue at Pak Cik Nasir's and Auntie Elin's open patio. I really like the idea of having an open patio at the back of the house,

 The chairs are quite similar to ours in Tampin

 Pak Cik Nasir invited some of his Malaysian friends who lives in Perth. It was really interesting listening their stories enduring the problems they faced as immigrants and society acceptance to Muslims.

 The meal that I had. Roasted lamb chop.yumyum

 Bella got so excited that night

 Happy birthday Bella!

 The whole family in the picture

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