How insensitive are YOU?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Few nights ago, I went for Tarawih prayer and after the prayer ended, the Imam gave a short tazkirah that touched on an issue of a guy who complained when a McDonald's played the azan when it was Maghrib. The Imam focused that how insensitive and disrespectful some non-Muslims towards our religion and how we should fight and stand for our right as a Muslim.Point taken.

Back at home, I realized something. We, Malays,Muslims are also being insensitive in certain areas/parts.

Take an example: During any jamuan/kenduri we, Malays tend to cook and provide our guests with beef based food and then invite people including the Chinese and Indians. The Malays serve beef and put it at the same place with chicken, vegetables etc. This can be very disrespectful to the Indians as for them, they do believe that cows are sacred animals. Imagine if we,Malays were put under their shoes when we go to a food table and realize that there is a pork/ham being placed besides chicken. For sure, all Malays will be pissed off and refused to eat after they saw the pork/ham. Back to the Indians, they seldom complain about how they feel about the beef stuff but to clear everything up, it is our job as host to respect everyone's belief systems.

Living in a country like Malaysia, even Singapore where there is a healthy mix of people from different races and religions, we should really be open to the different religious practises of others. I am not saying that we must agree or embrace the practises of other religions, but we should definitely respect them no matter how we feel.

Lets not make a mountain out of a molehill, boleh?

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