
Friday, August 28, 2009

I like Facebook rather than Friendster but Myspace is the best social-networking website xP.

But, one of the reasons why I like Facebook is because of the silly quizzes inside it. Hmm, these are some of the results from those silly quizzes :

1. At what time will I find my true love
=45 years old ( WOW, gerunnya, nyaris jd andartu !!!)

2. What type of Girl are you?
= Sporty ( menipu sgt !)

3. What is the most suitable career for you
=Businesswoman ( menipu sgt !)

4. What's your hidden talent
=Computers ( mcm betul je )

5.What do people first notice about you
=My laugh (sy mmg suka ketawa kot xP)

6.Anda ini perempuan spesies ape?
=Pemalu macam siput ! (betul la kot :P)

7.Sukan apa yg patut anda wakili Malaysia?
=Galah panjang xP (sbb kaki sy PANJANG)

8.What do people first recognize you ?
=My legs ( because kaki sy mmg panjang !)

9. At what age will you die?
=99 ( tk logik sbb panjang btol umur sy la BODO !)

10. Which Hollywood celebrity similar to you?
=Lindsay Lohan (hmm, Im a BAD GIRL THEN !)

11. Which male celebrity is suitable for you?
=Ben Affleck (dunno why, its kinda odd)

12. Are you Nerd, Jerk or etc?
=Nerd (btol la kot xP)

13. Which Twilight character is similar to you?
= Bella Swan (where is my Edward then???????)

14. What kind of McD burger are you?
=Cheeseburger (sounds odd)

15. How old do you look?
=Just the same (tp ramai org kate muka sy mmg TUA)

16. What type of Wife are you or will you be?
=Humble and Supportive ( mcm tk betul je :P)

17. Arrange marriage Or Love marriage ....else love cum arrange?
=Luve cum arrange ( idfc , but I really have to get married b4 I'll die)

18. What is your biggest weakness?
=Too anxious, paranoid ( setuju SANGAT !!!!)

19. The Ultimate Bitch Test
= Little Miss Normality ( btol la koooooot xP)

20.Negeri asal bakal suami anda?
=Perak ( hmmm, no comment tp klu lg jauh lg bagus kot sbb sy suke suami yg exotic xP)

Hahahahahahahahaha, its really, Really funny when I got to know those results.
You guys should try those quizzes cus it helps to reduce stress xP

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