Trip to Yogyakarta a.k.a Jogja

Sunday, March 05, 2017

So I just got back from my Yogyakarta a.k.a Jogja trip

Yogyakarta (often called “Jogja”) is a city on the Indonesian island of Java known for its traditional arts and cultural heritage. Its ornate 18th-century royal complex, or kraton, encompasses the still-inhabited Sultan’s Palace. Also within the kraton are numerous open-air pavilions that host classical Javanese dance shows and concerts of gamelan music, characterized by gongs, chimes and plucked string instruments. (source from

From my side, we started planning this trip in December, due to short period of time, our flight tickets costs us around RM 400per pax.

Some basic details:

Flight: Air Asia
Driver & Tour packageRound Java 

So, this is how our itinerary in the Land of Jogja:

Day 1 (of Gudeg, Alun Alun Kidul)

So we took Air Asia flight…straight from KLIA2 to Adisutjipto International Airport. The flight actually took us about 2 hour & 35 minutes. So, we arrived at Adisutjipto International Airport around 5pm. The airport was surprisingly small- once we stepped inside the airport, the immigration counters were right at the airport's entrance and the luggage claim space was slightly behind the Immigration counter. I was kind of glad as few walks required in order getting out from the airport.

Upon reaching the Arrival door, we were being roamed with quite a number of guys with Indonesian batik attires holding A4 papers with names on it. Quickly I assumed that "these must be the tourist guides" and I suddenly saw a guy holding an A4 paper with my name on it.

So how do I get in contact with this local driver at Jogja?

This is how it goes; my neighbour just got back from Yogyakarta and he recommended this amazing tour provided by a company called “Round Java”. 

This is the official Facebook page and being moderated by Pak Nizam. Trust me, you just PM him which places that you are planning to visit and Pak Nizam will arrange the itinerary and the driver at a very reasonable price (note that this will ONLY include car, driver charges EXCLUDING entrance fees, meals & etc).

So for our 4 days and 3 nights trip, we paid Round Java for only 1,720,000 Ruppiah only.

So, our driver, Pak Udin brought us first to our Villa which is located at Jalan Mantrijeron (nearby to keratin or castle at Jogja).

I’ve booked Villa Pondok Terra via AirBnB and for only around RM 300-this private villa have 2 bedrooms, kitchenette and inclusive a private pool on our own. How lovely it sounds isn’t it..

Once we checked in, we went out for dinner and tried out one of the famous delicacies at Jogja which is called "Gudeg".

"Gudeg" is a traditional Javanese cuisine from Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia. "Gudeg" is made from young unripe jack fruit boiled for several hours with palm sugar, and coconut milk (source from Google)

So, Pak Udin brought us to a street where there are many shops selling Gudeg and he recommended this shop called “Gudeg Yu Djum”.

There were many people at the shop so we were intrigued to try this famous "Gudeg". Upon tasting it, it tastes very sweet and we didn’t think it suits with our taste but hey, it was a good try exploring the local food.

Once finished up with our dinner, we were brought to Alun Alun Kidul. Kidul means South in their language. It is a park which is situated at the southern part of the Palace at Jogja city. There were many locals having fun getting together with their family playing Tandem bicycles and lighted odong-odong. We can drive around the city square on tandem bicycle for Rp 15,000, or by renting odong-odong for Rp 30,000 which can accommodate up to six persons.

The exciting Alun-Alun ride

There were actually quite a number of unique rides to choose

It was raining heavily at that night, so we decided to go back to our Villa and ready to start our adventure tomorrow morning.

Day 2 (Borobudur, Taman Sari Water Castle)

We started the day quite early-around 8am. The main target for today was Candi Borobudur which is a must place to visit in Yogayakarta.

Borobudur, or Barabudur is a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist temple in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia, as well as the world's largest Buddhist temple, and also one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world.

As you can see..there were quite a number of people roaming the temple area...

The distance between the Jogja city to Borobudur wasnt that far..roughly around less than 2 hour per way.

Upon reaching the temple, there were quite a number of local tourists at the temple. To reach the temple, you need to walk around 500m inside park area before reaching Borobudur temple.

The temple wasnt that huge as expected. I've been to Cambodia and Angkor Wat is way bigger compared to Borobudur. The structure is quite tall and the stairs were quite steep. It's squarish and there were few ways to reach the peak of Borobudur.

The carvings at the temple is quite similar to the ones at Angkor Wat. Each icons conveyed different key messages in the Buddha religion.

You can also hire local guides to learn the history in depth.

The bell structures at the top of Borobudur

bestest PECAL that I ever had in my life

Prior visited Borobudur, we went straight to Yogyakarta city to visit Taman Sari Water Castle.

Taman Sari also known as Taman Sari Water Castle is a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. It is located about 2 km south within the grounds of the Kraton, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

It was raining by the time we've reached the castle-and yes as usual tourists were roaming the place.

We hired one local guide (cant remember the name) but he gave informative details on the castle.

The palace is quite old but to some hipsters may perceived this castle to be quite amusing to them.

The guide also brought us to the underground Masjid/ Mosque which is walking distance from the castle

Us and the local guide that we hired 

inside the underground Masjid

The famous Hipster spot to take hipster shot

Once we're done with the tour, we went to this warung/stall and bought cheap ayam penyet

The Ayam Penyet stall

Day 3 (Mount Merapi, Kalibiru National Park, Pantai Parangtritis)

We started the day as early at 4am from hotel to Mount Merapi, the volcano in Yogyakarta.

Mount Merapi is still an active volcano and the last eruption happened in 2010.

To view Mount Merapi you need to go there via a jeep as the road is not condusive for normal vehicles to use it

So, Round Java has arranged us a private jeep and a private guide to view the historic Mount Merapi

We've visited the museum which showcased the memory from the last Volcanic eruption back in 2010 i think :P

After Merapi, we went to Kalibiru National Park. It's free entry and the view is scenic- overlooking the jungle in Jogja. The locals called it "Mini England" as the air is quite chilled compared to Jogja city.

After we finished touring Kalibiru, we went to Pantai Parangtritis where we had lunch and took a horse ride at the beach area

Loving the Teh Botol

Day 4 (Prambanan, Keraton & Fort Vredeburg)

 Today was our 2nd last day in Jogja and my sister and I were attacked by high fever. So we went to Prambanan temple.

Candi Prambanan or Candi Rara Jonggrang is a 9th-century Hindu temple compound in Central Java, Indonesia, dedicated to the Trimurti, the expression of God as the Creator, the Preserver and the Destroyer.

If Borobodur was a Buddhist temple, then Prambanan is actually a Hindu temple

Then we went to Fort Vredeburg which is located at the Malioboro Street. I must say this museum is a must place to visit in Jogja. The museum is very informative and got miniatures to explain the historic information about Yogyakarta.

Our last stop was Keraton. There's nothing much there at the Kraton of Yogyakarta is a palace complex located in the city of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The palace is the main seat Sultan of Yogyakarta and his family.

Day 5 (Final Day)

We took our flight early in the morning and my fever was getting worst. Overall the Jogja trip was a good trip and we had so much fun in Jogja :)

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