
Umrah Part 4 ( Medina to Makkah)

Friday, January 24, 2014

After an approximately 4 days in Madinah, it is time for us to go to Makkah to perform our Umrah. Since all of us are entering the Haram-land of Makkah (why it's been called Haram-land is because Muslims are not allowed to do unlawful acts in that particular area) and it is compulsory for everyone to be in the state of ihram symbolized as a sign of respect to the Haram-land of Makkah. 

Ihram means a sacred state which a Muslim must enter in order to perform the major pilgrimage or the minor pilgrimage. A pilgrim must enter into this state before crossing the pilgrimage boundary, known as Miqat, by performing the cleansing rituals and wearing the prescribed attire.

Abah and Mak already wore their Ihram clothing 

We left the hotel at approximately at 2.45 pm and reached Bir Ali shortly after travelling for a distance of 7 kilometres.

The beautiful Masjid Bir Ali- our Miqat place

As we proceed from Bir Ali to Makkah, all of us are encouraged to read Talbiyah. It was such a touching moment when the Talbiyah was read by the mutawwif. As I was looking out through the windows, I started thinking in disbelief as I could not imagine how difficult it was for the Prophet pbuh to perform the Haj, having to travel from Medina to Mecca, in such condition. The weather is extremely hot and dry, and there is nothing along the road except for the bare hills and dust. And just imagine the time required as the main transportation means was only Camel. Even being in an air-conditioned bus which takes only a couple of hours, we could not stand the challenge, what more riding on camels under the direct heat? I really thank the Prophet pbuh for all his determination in expanding the syiar in Islam. During our bus ride, I saw a policeman on his road block duty praying by the roadside, on the dusty surface of the Earth. Mashaallah, you can never find such a sight and a committed person back home, in Malaysia.

We stopped over for our Maghrib and Isya' prayers at a place similar to those back home, called "R&R". It is obviously a desert area. Although it looks creepy but I think it is a good adventure. We had our Nasi Arab provided by Andalusia and the place is packed with people from different walks of lives.

We arrived Mecca at about 10.30 pm and Mak, Abah and Annur headed towards Masjidil Haram after checking in at our hotel called "Hera' Palace".

Our hotel room

I wasn't allowed to go to the Masjid until I am completely cleaned from my Hadas so I just stay inside the room, still under the state of Ihram.


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