Perth Part 5: Fremantle

Monday, December 24, 2012

Fremantle or known by locals as Freo is a city located near Swan River, Perth. According to a source from the internet says that Fremantle is named after Captain Fremantle, the captain of the HMS Challenger who first took possession of the land when he arrived in the waters off the Western Australian coast.  Fremantle is a port city located about 30 minutes south of Perth and is a very multicultural city. There are loads of choices for alfresco dining, pub dining or simply coffee and cake at one the cafes.

St.John's Church

Fremantle is full of history and is surrounded by many heritage buildings and to its credit has handled the modern changes over the years with ease.  There is a beautiful mixture of the old with the new and the people of Fremantle love it I somehow thinks that there is some Spanish influence in Fremantle's building architecture which makes the town is one of the most beautiful town that I've ever visited.

After our whale watching trip, the boat dropped us at Fremantle harbour (the opposite of E-Shed Market, Fremantle). So we ventured Fremantle city all by ourselves by foot.

We enjoyed our lunch in perfect weather

 The heritage buildings in Fremantle

We also went to the Round House. Round House is actually the oldest public building in Western Australia. There's nothing much that Round House offers but still, its a good historic building.

the tourist guide at the Round House offers to take this photo from beheaded's vision

 behind the Round House, you can see there's a beautiful beach. 

There's also some universities in Fremantle. We passed through Notre Dame University which is located near the West End part in Fremantle.

 Some of Notre Dame uni students were enjoying the weather

 Typical street in Fremantle

 Souvenir shop in Fremantle. The price is quite reasonable.

To be continued: Part 6

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