
24 random needless things about me

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

1. I am Arnis Abdul Rashid. My father is a Malay and my mom is a mix of Javanese and Malay. I was born in Malaysia.
2. For the sake of simplicity, I say I am a Malay 100%
3. I use long words, and strange syntax , not because I am showing off, but because I don't know how to speak/ write any other way.
4. I like to refer myself as Arnis Abdul Rashid. Just to be pretentious.
5. If you were to group me into any social pigeonhole, I guess you could call me a hipster but I reject musical esotericism.
6. I cannot play any musical instrument.
7. I love the beach but hate the sun.
8. I think that Scandinavia is the way the whole world should be.
9. I may or may not be able to sing, I'm too shy to sing properly in front of anyone.
10. I'm an inconsistent mix of intro and extroversion.
11. I am deathly afraid of any reptiles.
12. I spend ridiculous sums of money on clothing, but often wonder if it's justifiable.
13. I like to escape from reality, through varying methods, reading etc. Not because I hate life or anything like that, but because I am curious.
14. I pull stupid faces in photos because I always look stupid in photos. If I make it intentional,it works out better.
15. Monkeys both terrifies and amazes me.
16. I have a terrible sweet tooth.
17. I am a Muslim.
18. I have started several books ,but finished none.
19. I love hypothetical question.
20. Racism irks me, but racist jokes are hilarious.
21. In the spirit of being a hypocrite, I criticize people that I feel I want to.
22. It takes a lot to make me angry at a person. When I do get angry at someone, I usually brood for a few hours.
23.  Sleep is the greatest thing ever.
24. I love Shakespeare. Period.

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