A fantabolous week

Sunday, August 01, 2010


Small updates from last week :

Woke up in the morning early. Went to class- Grammar class is boring and watched my friend's presentations in Oral Communication class. Awesome !

Busy attending classes. For Drama class, norm. Computer class, boringgg. HS, normal - listening to others presentation's on Political Science. CCT - pretty decent with Tok Bah.

Way to busy. Successfully done my demonstrative presentation with my partner " Aza" with the topic "How to make a Bracelet". Thank God, all went smooth. For Grammar, we played A LOT of interesting language/ words games.

Woke up early and my eyes were popping red so I decided to skip classes. Went to UIA clinic but the doctor was giving me a f***ing bullshit treatment, and because I was so pissed,I decided to stay indoors for the whole day.

Busy revising for tomorrow's Computer exam. Made notes and start revising. Bloody hell tired.

Went to exam. Thought it might be easy as I revised and studied a lot but the questions was a way to hellish. I'll pray that I'm not going to fail the paper. Period. Then, went to One Utama. Balas dendam with shopping.
Bought a cardigan, 2 shirts and 2 selendang's. Plus, I watch Salt. Pretty impresive movie.

Woke up late. Watch movies at dorm and played games. Pretty norm day.

Concisely,though I had a fantabolous week but I am homesick.Period.

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